Maki Murakami, the artist famous for her hentai arts is now suing NyaHentai and a few other pirate sites, that are hosting her works. Though she successfully forced Cloudflare to remove her unauthorized works from these sites, she’s asking the platform to disclose identifiable details of its operators.
Taking on Manga Pirates
Little did we know that pirate sites hosting manga comics will perform as well as general pirate sites hosting all movies and TV shows. In the last decade, sites hosting manga were on superior growth, mostly driven by the western world. One site among them – NyaHentai is a popular destination for manga comics. As it turns into a headache to many copyright owners, some approach intermediaries to seek help in protecting their works. And Maki Murakami is one such copyright holder of several hentai comics (adult content with often extraordinary themes), who alleged several pirate sites including the NyaHentai. Last December, Murakami’s legal team filed a DMCA request with Cloudflare, asking the platform to remove certain URLs from some of its users’ sites as they’re infringing her copyrights. 8 out of 39 URLs her team pointed were hosted on NyaHentai, and they were successfully removed too. Now, her legal team is stepping up efforts to have better results, by identifying and suing the operators of these pirate sites. As per reports, Murakami’s team has filed a DMCA subpoena request in a US court to make Cloudflare disclose the details of concerned pirate sites. Here’s what’s being demanded; [I]ncluding but not limited to billing or administrative records that prove the following information used by each of the Infringers, along with time-stamp, from the time of user registration and at the time each of the Infringing Work was uploaded by the Infringers on their websites: name(s); last known address(es); last known telephone and/or cell phone number(s); any and all email address(es); account number(s); billing information (including, but not limited to, names, telephone number(s), and mailing and billing address(es) of each of all of the payment methods (including, but not limited to, credit cards, bank accounts, and any online payments system)); hosting provider(s); server(s); any other contact information; and any and all logs of IP address(es). The sites her team mentioned are,,,,and While it’s usual that operators of such pirate sites often register with fake details, getting an extensive amount of data can anyways be helpful in pressuring them at last.