While Signal is ultimately the best one for privacy, it lacked user-friendliness. Thus, many have settled with WhatsApp’s close alternative, Telegram. And if you’re one of those, learn how to set self-destructing messages to make your conversations more secure. Self-Destructing Messages are indeed needed for any privacy-focused messengers. Once set, they will destruct the message (make them disappear) from the chat as per the time set, right after the recipient seeing it. This is available in Telegram’s Secret Chat, and can be activated as below; Also Read- How to Set Two-factor Authentication in Telegram

How to Send Self-Destructing Messages in Telegram?

That’s it. It should be noted that activating this feature from your side will only destruct the messages sent from your side, but not the ones received. For them to disappear automatically, ask your partner to activate the same feature from his side. Also, you can edit the desired time to destruct whenever you want. Self-Destructing Messages in Telegram’s Secret Chat are aided with other similar features to keep your chats more private. These include encrypting the chats end-to-end, which isn’t available by default in regular chats. Also, it restricts forwarding messages, taking screenshots, and leave no trace on Telegram’s servers.

How to Send Self Destructing Messages in Telegram   TechDator - 6How to Send Self Destructing Messages in Telegram   TechDator - 6How to Send Self Destructing Messages in Telegram   TechDator - 87How to Send Self Destructing Messages in Telegram   TechDator - 85How to Send Self Destructing Messages in Telegram   TechDator - 43