As per reports, the tech giant is preparing to fire about 10,000 poor-performing employees soon. The company has asked its managers to filter out those candidates based on their new performing management system.

Employees Layoffs at Google

Now, joining the list is a big name – Google, which is preparing to lay off about 10,000 “poor performing” employees. As per reports, the company will filter such employees through its new performing management system, where managers will use it to categorize 6% of Alphabet’s workforce (about 10,000) as poor performers. The system will also cut the number of incentives and stock awards given to employees. While an official announcement is yet to be made, Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai has long been urging employees to improve their productivity. He has asked them to show “more entrepreneurial” and “greater urgency, sharper focus, and more hunger than we’ve shown on sunnier days” of Google and introduced an effort called “Simplicity Sprint” to address the company’s productivity issues. It’s evident that Google, like any other company, has been struggling to keep up with the current economic conditions. It has lost significant revenue in Q3 this year when compared to last year’s same period while also warning of more potential losses coming in the next few quarters. For all these reasons, it has already paused hiring new talent in recent months while asking the remaining to be more productive.

Google is Reportedly Laying off About 10 000 Employees - 82