Depending to Contributing
For years, or at least in the initial stages, Facebook has relied upon Linux’s open-source tools for developing its platform. Not just Facebook, but every tech company has something to take from the Linux or its open-source tools. Thus, becoming a major member to contribute to it would help develop others in further. In such pursuit, Facebook is joining the Linux Foundation as a Platinum Member! Facebook has long been a member of the open-source group, but now, the company’s head of open-source department, Kathy Kim is joining the board of Linux Foundation. She’s got a 20-year experience in engineering, product management, and developer relations in vast open-source management. She had previously worked with Microsoft and Google before joining Facebook. While Facebook is having a dark history with politics and privacy, it’s one of the fine contributors to open-source like to ONNX, Osquery, Presto and GraphQL. Further, social media has also made projects like Facebook Connectivity and Telecom Infra Project Foundation to provide reliable and fast internet to underdeveloped areas. It has created a repository of 100,000 videos to help others detect Deepfakes, and Facebook’s Data for Good enables others to use the geographic data to be shared for humanitarian issues. Others like PyTorch and React.js has powered machine learning and website building for others. Upon joining the Linux Foundation board, Kathy said, “The Linux Foundation has and continues to play a crucial role in the continued success of not only Linux but also in broader open source ecosystems as well. At Facebook, our mission focuses on building community and bringing the world closer together.”