Authorities Deployed Security Employees in Beijing City and Various Other Areas to Shut Down Piracy Sites

China is a well-known country for its piracy problems. The authorities taking serious measures for some years to control this problem. The recent attack is one of the largest attacks with impressive figures. They have arrested 251 suspects and shut down 361 sites and 51 apps including “Twist Film” app which is one of the biggest platforms for pirated movies. The authorities have stated that the app had more than one million followers and offered 150,000 films. Authorities have stated that they arrested some of the suspects from overseas too. In a single region, the police were able to arrest 59 suspects and destroyed 13,600 equipment pieces. The next round of Trade talks between China and the US has already started in Beijing today. The hottest topic in these talks will be the way China takes care of intellectual property. The National Copyright Administration has added two US movies- Green Room and Captain Marvel into the specially protected movies list prohibiting their streaming and uploading online. Last week, Avengers- End game was found online prior to its release in the US. The copies weren’t of high quality but as the movie was of high production values, it has created some ruckus.

China Arrested 251 Suspects for Film Piracy  Shuts down 361 sites and 51 Apps on the Eve of New Trade Talks with US   TechDator - 45China Arrested 251 Suspects for Film Piracy  Shuts down 361 sites and 51 Apps on the Eve of New Trade Talks with US   TechDator - 19